About Us and Remembering Ruth Company

About Us and Remembering Ruth Company

  Hello, my name is Rebecca, I am the owner and founder of Remembering Ruth Company. My husband, Justin and I have been married 29 years and are pastors. We are the proud parents of Landon and Emily. Emily is married to Andrew. Emily is one of the models for RRC. Hannah is my niece and is also one of the  models for RRC. Landon, Hannah, and Emily travel and sing nation- wide as The Villines Trio. 

   A few years have gone by since I first thought of opening this little shop. For so long I have dreamed of having a place where you could find the stylish yet, modest dresses and clothing, unfortunately, that seems to be coming a thing of the past. I thoroughly enjoy spending time searching for the perfect modest dresses tops and skirts that you will love to have hanging in your wardrobe. I'll admit it has been quite the challenge, but I am up for it.  I am looking forward to getting to know you all and talk fashion. This is going to be fun! 

 So, where did this name come from....?? I have had so many ask me this question. I am one of seven children. I am the 5th child, however most people who know me think I am the 4th child. There was a baby 2 years before me born Novemeber 23, 1973. My mother carried her to full term and everything about her pregnancy seemed normal and as it should be until she was born. When she was born something was wrong with her internal organs and she could not breath well. They never knew what caused the problem she passed away about 2 hours after she was born. She was my parents 4th child. Her name was Ruth Ann. My mother was scheduled for surgery because she was not planning to have more children after Ruth Ann, but with the traumatic circumstances the doctor would not follow through. Needless to say my parents were devastated and it took them quite some time to grieve and recooperate from this. 

 My parents didn't talk about this time in their life much, but on some rare occasions would mention Ruth Ann and say how beautiful she was and how they didn't understand why they lost her. In conversations I have had with people who were close to my mother during that time, I learned that she struggled severly with the death of Ruth Ann. I can't imagine the heartbreak. 

My parents gave their hearts to the Lord in 1970 and started their ministry in 1971. I have no doubt their newly found relationship with Jesus sustained them.

 One night in a service at our church my children were on the stage singing and my dad came over to the piano where I was playing and just stood there looking at the kids very dreamy like. If you knew him, he was querky like that. He looked as if he were in deep thought looking at them, he then turned to me and said, "After all these years God just told me why Ruth Ann passed away." He said, "I have asked him many times through the years. Well, God just told me, that's the only way Lennon and Hopey would be here, and they needed to be here, to do this singing." He seemed so happy and at peace that God had told him that. We never had the conversation again. (Lennon and Hopey was their nicknames from my dad.)

 Two years after Ruth's passing, in the very same month, November 12, I was born - because of the unfortunate death of my sister I am here. Some say that is just coincidence, but I believe it truly was the grace of God. What the enemy means for evil God will make it good. God can take the most tragic event in your life and completely turn it into a miracle and make a blessing for you that could have never been other wise. So, I want to remember herand always remember to keep my faith in God. The personal and spiritual meaning of Remembering Ruth is so special for me and intertwined together. I want to live the rest of my life making a change in others lives. For some reason I am here instead Ruth Ann and I want to make sure I to put my life to use for Gods purpose more than I ever have before. I have some exciting things I feel that God is leading me to do through this company to help those in need and change peoples lives for the better. It seems impossible through my eyes when I see our country and world in such turmoil and the cost of everything has nearly tripled in the past year except for our incomes!! But GOD! We have a big one and we must Remember, just how big he is. 

 I know it won't be easy and it won't happen over night, but just as Ruth in the bible didn't give up, I am not going to give up as long as God tells me to stay with this and makes the way. Ruth was married to Naomi's son for 10 years and never had children. She along with her sister-in -law and Naomi became a widow. Ruth could've easily packed up and went back to her home land, but she didn't choose the easy comfortable way, she chose to be faithful to the God of Israel and was loyal to her mother-in-law, she changed the lives of so many through her obedience. She was the great grandmother to king David. God used her and the lineage to Jesus continued. Her loyalty and faithfulness changed our future. So. I want to remember her, remember her for her loyalty and her faithfulness, for staying when it would have been easier to go. I want to Remember Ruth!

You never know who's destiny is tied to your obedience.

You never know who's life might be changed through your faithfulness.




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I love reading your story and the true real meaning of Remembering Ruth. So, so sweet and precious. Gods plan is always the BEST even in the hard times when we don’t, can’t, and won’t see it…. But he shows us later. Amazing.
I and privileged to have met you and your family.

Pamela Mellott

When you were sharing this with me at church last night I got goose bumps! What a wonderful and powerful testimony. And I believe that God will honor and give you the desires of your heart. I just met you recently and I felt it in my heart a wonderful spirit and beautiful from you and how it blessed me so to have been able to meet you and your lovely family! And I have nicknamed you all as “God Send” as I am a firm believer that God had sent you all our way just in time! Love and prayers and I pray God blesses you all abundantly! Until we meet again.

Gwendolyn Berry

Oh Becky, I never knew this. What a very special and loving tribute your sister and to your mom and dad. I know that they are watching over you and I know they would be so proud of what you are doing. The dresses are beautiful and I know that God will lead you to the right places to find exactly what you are looking for!

Jodi Martin

Oh my, I was in tears readying this, Becky!! Such a sweet tribute to Ruth Ann! God’s ways are always best, he knows exactly what he is doing. Love you and this business
will go far because God is in it. Love, Janice

Janice Knight

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