My Little Miracle

My Little Miracle

  This is not about dresses or fashion we'll get back to that, but even better - a little more about remembering God's promises. 

Today, I am going to tell you about something else and I am going to skip over a whole lot of big stuff God has done in my life to tell ya'll about this one. It's Landon's birthday and this miracle is pretty special to me. You now know the story of how I came to be here and you know what the enemy means for evil, God will make it good. I don't want to take for granted one thing God has done in my life. 

  At the age of 15 I had started having some significant female related problems (similar to the woman in the bible with the issue of blood) and had went to see a doctor a few times. I won't go into great detail but I struggled with these issues through my young teen years and they did a few tests and tried a few medications and couldn't seem to resolve anything, at 16 my doctor told me that having children would be very unlikely or next to impossibe. To tell a 16 year old girl that is just like tearing her heart out. Just a little later, I met my future husband and we dreamed and talked about all the things people do when they are young and falling in love, getting married starting a life together and having a family. We prayed and believed that it would happen. We even chose his name before we even married Landon James. A little over a year after we met, we married on June 12, 1993.

 I found out I was expecting Landon on October 6, 1993. Believe me I was shocked and amazed.

Landon was born June 6, 1994 at 6:59 am, weighing 6lbs 6oz 19 in long and was absolutely perfect. Getting here was not so much. My blood pressure sky-rocketed and it got really scary and could have taken a turn for the worse but I believe God had his hand in this. (The devil is always lurking, this is why we must stay close to Jesus.) This little man coming into this world had a work to do for God. Even way back before I was born God had a plan, he always has a plan!! 

To here my sister tell the story of my mom driving them here for the delivery is hilarious, she didn't think they were going to make it alive. She thought they were taking the curves at 90 mph with only 2 tires on the highway. I was her first daughter to have a child so she had to be in that delivery room, my mom had bore 7 babies and she was experienced and I needed her there and she was gonna get there if she had to fly that little car.  

  Two weeks later we dedicated him back to God, before the church with both sets of grandparents on both sides of us. I'll never forget standing there that day thinking, what will God call my baby boy into. Will he take him away from me and send him out into the mission field, I remember all the thoughts running through my head.I don't want him to be anywhere but in the safety of my arms righ here in my sight where I know he is safe. Now this preacher is asking me to give him up to go work for God if he's called out one day. I know all about this ministry stuff, my family has been in it all my life. I had just had him in the ER the night before because his jaundice numbers had gotten elevated. Oh the thoughts and worries that goes through a momma's mind, we must give it to God. Now God wants me to give him back to him. 

 Oh how I remember when he first started out in his ministry, I was not fond of it at all. He was to young to be out there by himself. It was a battle in my heart, I won't deny it, but God reminded me more than a few times of that dedication day when I promised I would. I would willingly let him go work for the Lord. He had some pretty awesome uncles and aunts that traveled with him in his early years when it was just to far for him to go alone because he was so young. I thank God for them being with him. Bo, Karla, Jacob and Crystal, ya'll made my life so much easier through those years.

 I must say, with a big 'ole weepy, cheery, proud, look at my boy up there on that stage, singin' and working and draggin' that sound equipment and little car to every church and event that will have him, so that ONE- MORE-SOUL might come to Christ. I am thankful for the ministry God has called this child of ours into. There have been many sleepless nights and worrisome days of him out on the highways alone, a long way from home, but God has never forsaken. He has reached countless lives and touched many hearts through song and testimony.

   From the time he got his first microphone and piano for christmas 'til this day he has sang and played and practiced until we have begged him to stop, because we just needed the house to be silent for a few moments and then Landon was ready to put us on another concert. LOL Now he uses the talent that God blessed him with and gives lesson to teach others to play by ear and also does voice lessons. I have watched some pretty young children already coming along way with their piano and singing by working with him. God wants us to use every talent he gives us and pass it along from generation to generation. 

I am here because Ruth is not, and if God had not came on the scene with my health issues, and took what the enemy meant for evil and made it good, Landon and Emily would not have been here. You see, 3 1/2 years later our little girl Emily was born and two years after her, I had to have a hysterectorectomy at 23 years old. 

When my dad stood there by the piano that night and told me that God had told him why Ruth Ann had passed and that these kids had to be here to sing; my mind starts rolling back like a movie through the things that have happened. Things that could have only been set into order by God himself. If I only had time to tell you every little detail of just what I know, it would take way to long.

I do know I can tell you this, trust God, believe God, wait for God, always remember God has the best waiting for you.


Jeremiah 29:11- For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.


You never know who's destiny is tied to your obedience.

You never know who's life might be changed through your faithfulness.




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