Good ‘Ole Days

Does nostalgia grab hold of you like it does me sometimes? Summertime seems to do it the most, and I think with both of my parents gone, it is worse now more than ever. Almost everything I see gives me a good jolt and brings back a good memory, and makes me long to step back in time for just a brief moment and feel those wonderful feelings of the good 'ole days with the ones I miss so much. My dad was a minister and we were always in so many revivals through the summer. We would find ourselves sweating it out under a tent or a open air tabernacle somewhere. Mom belting out that angel voice to the high heavens and Dad preaching his heart out for a sinner to be saved and the sick to be healed.
Seems like they never had those in the fall when it was cool. Always when it was 100 degrees lol!  In between those revivals we would be visiting at people’s houses and finding ourselves cooling off at a near bye creek and having a picnic somewhere. 

Life was hard - but easy, isn't that an oxymoron.  The 80's feel like a lifetime away now. I could walk in the kitchen of that little house that was painted with bright green cabinets and climb up to that little formica covered table trimmed out with that chromed edge and say, "Momma, I want some crackers and milk or bread and butter," and life was just divine. I would eat 'til I was happy and back out the door to play until Mom called me back in. 

What world are we living in? I want my kids to have known that world, I want my grandkids to know that world. What do we need to do to take it back? Can we even live that simple anymore?

Time keeps ticking away, the world is changing everyday, but Jesus never changes. The God I knew as a little girl is the same God today. Always Remember Jesus is there, he has always been there, and he will always be there. Just call on him.

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8


You never know who's destiny is tied to your obedience.

You never know who's life might be changed through your faithfulness.




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